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简介fashion的意思:时尚。时尚,汉语词语,拼音是shí shàng,指符合潮流的、入时的;流行的风尚;当时的风气和习惯。清钱泳《履园丛话·艺能·成衣》:“今之成衣者,辄以旧衣定尺寸,以新样为时尚,不知短长之理。”徐迟《哥德巴赫猜想·祁连山下》:“女雕塑家醉心于时尚。”时尚又称流行,它指在一定时期内社会上或一个群体中普遍流行的,并为大多数所仿效的生活方式或行为模式。时尚既体现在物质生活(如衣、食、



时尚,汉语词语,拼音是shí shàng,指符合潮流的、入时的;流行的风尚;当时的风气和习惯。清钱泳《履园丛话·艺能·成衣》:“今之成衣者,辄以旧衣定尺寸,以新样为时尚,不知短长之理。”徐迟《哥德巴赫猜想·祁连山下》:“女雕塑家醉心于时尚。”






fashion ['f?0?3?0?6?0?5n] n. 1. 样式,样子,方法,方式 2. 类型,形状,姿态 3. (服饰等的)时兴式样,流行式样,时样,时髦;风气,风尚 4. 种类 5. 风行一时的事物,尤指时装;名流,红人 6. 时髦人物;(西方世界的)上流社会 7. [废语]手艺,工艺,做工 8. [废语]制作,制作过程 vt. 1. 做成…的形状,形成;把…塑成: 例句: to fashion a doll from a piece of wood

用木块制成玩具娃娃 She fashioned a necklace from paper clips.

她把别针制成了一条项链。 2. (使)使用;(使)适应(常与to 连用): 例句: Music is fashioned to our taste.

使音乐适合我们的口味。 3. 改变,改革: 例句: to fashion the social institutions of the old

改变旧的社会习俗 4. [废语]想出;设计出,设法做到 短语 1. after a fashion勉强,马马虎虎,达到一定程度(但不令人满意) 2. after the fashion of依照…,模仿某人的风格 3. be all the fashion(服装、举止)很时兴,风行一时 4. be in fashion正在时兴,正在流行 5. be in the fashion赶时髦,随大流 6. be out of fashion过时 7. come into fashion= be in fashion 8. follow the fashion= be in the fashion 9. go out of fashion= be out of fashion 10. in a fashion= after a fashion 11. make fashion装装样子 12. set the (或 a) fashion出新花样以创先例,开创新时尚

 Fashion 是 时尚,流行的意思,现在网络解释中表示时装。下面一起来看看fasion的具体意思吧。






 英 ['f?n] 美 ['f?n]


 She was the queen of fashion during the 60s.


 Research shows that men are beginning to follow fashion.


 She paints in the fashion of Picasso.



 He only put a bit on his plate to make fashion.


 He managed to fashion a doll from a piece of wood.


 Many influences help to fashion our children's characters.


 Many of the clothes come from the world's top fashion houses. 这些服装中有很多出自世界顶级时装设计公司。

 We are becoming one of the market leaders in the fashion industry. 我们正在成为时装业的领军者之一。

 Queen Mary started the fashion for blue and white china in England. 玛丽女王开启了青花瓷在英格兰的流行风尚。

 All new fashion starts out as a reaction against existing convention. 所有新时尚都是从打破现有常规开始的。

 Gucci will be holding fashion shows to present their autumn collection. 古奇将举办时装发布会推出他们的秋装系列。

 There are 20 full-colour pages of fashion for men. 书中有20张有关男性时尚的彩色插页。

 She could not maintain her balance and moved in a wobbly fashion. 她无法保持平衡,走路颤颤巍巍。

 She was educated ? after a fashion ? at home. 她算得上是受过教育?家庭教育。

 Vivienne Westwood has scaled the heights of fashion's hall of fame. 薇薇恩?韦斯特伍德已成为时装界的翘楚。

 Their range of leisurewear is aimed at fashion-conscious 13 to 25 year-olds. 他们的休闲服系列瞄准的是追求时髦的13到25岁青少年。

 Stella, 21, is at art school training to be a fashion designer. 斯特拉,21岁,就读于艺术系,正接受时装设计师的培训。

 In the early seventies I wore false eyelashes, as was the fashion. 70年代初我戴假睫毛,这在当时是时尚。

 He was awarded the OBE in 1990 for services to fashion. 凭着对时装业的杰出贡献,他于1990年荣获英帝国官佐勋衔。

 . I'm not a fashion victim; I stick to what suits me. 我不是一味赶时髦的人,我只穿适合自己的服装。

 He burst onto the fashion scene in the early 1980s. 20世纪80年代初他突然在时尚界活跃起来。

 Designer wedding dresses make wedding fashion a separate category from mainstream fashion. 著名设计师设计的婚纱使得婚纱时尚有别于主流服装时尚。

 There is another drug called DHE that works in a similar fashion. 另外还有一种叫DHE的药物,药效也差不多。

 The girl may or may not outgrow her interest in fashion. 这个女孩对时尚的兴趣可能会随着年龄的增长而消失,也可能不会。

 19. The aeroplane was gyrating about the sky in a most unpleasant fashion. 飞机在空中盘旋,令人不堪忍受。

 The officers and crew prepared to abandon ship in an orderly fashion. 全体船员秩序井然地准备弃船。